Monday 9 November 2009

Siegfried Sassoon Collection Now Online

I received the following email through my subscription to the World War One literature google group and it revealed some excellent news:

The First World War Poetry Archive is pleased to announce that the Siegfried Sassoon collection is now live at:

This draws from collections at Oxford, Cambridge, New York Public Library, and the Harry Ransom Center. The primary focus is on manuscript variants of Sassoon's 'war poetry' contained in the collections 'The Old Huntsman', 'Counter-Attack', and 'Picture Show'.You are free to use the images for educational purposes (see

In effect this represents the last collection that will be going live,as part of the project. The funding for this two-year initiative came from the Joint Information Systems Committee as part of their Digitisation Programme.

Please feel free to pass this on,

The First World War Poetry Archive Team

University of Oxford

What this means is that an incredible resource just got even better. I am sure that access to this material will benefit many researchers and anyone with a keen interest in literature, the First World War, or Siegfried Sassoon himself.

It may even save some people the time and money needed for a costly research trip!


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